
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Opinion: ESPN-W Women's Bracket to Name All-Time Player Is Guilty By Omission

Guru’s note: All-Time great Teresa Edwards, a Naismith and Women’s Basketball Hall of Famer, who starred at Georgia, the Olympics, the ABL and WNBA, and is soon to launch her own blog, has submitted the following guest opinion piece taking issue with the newly started ESPN-W bracket contest for fans to name the all-time best player.

By Teresa Edwards


I usually stay out of the "Riff Raft" of the here and now postings as they relate to women in sports, let alone Women's Basketball Players...

However, Today, I'm compelled to have my say and to be done again so here goes;

The ESPNW Bracket of the best WBB players ever truly sets us back yet again.

You are women representing women, Do your homework Ladies!!!

The Trouble with the bracket, Any Bracket, without Lusia Harris and Katrina McClain is already Flawed!!!!

Come On...

I’M NOT EVEN GONNA ASK HOW YOU RATED US but let’s compare our old school group against the new school players in your bracket:

... (Read on)

A) Old School vs New School Theory - No contest People! (Seriously... Heart vs TV Appearances).

B) Game Stats & Performances (Check it out... 3 Point line was painted in 1986-87) And Old School Players still averaged more points.

C) Equipment: That small ball (In my opinion) is for kids.

D) Forget what your Team did... New school, What Skills pays the Bills? Old School... What Part of your Game, Made your Name!

E) This is not a popularity contest or latest is the greatest Fan festival!


Let's squash this and create 2 Brackets:
My Top Picks for Old school Players Bracket in no particular Order because we were so good, it depended on what day of the month it might be to have an off day.

1. Kim Mulkey, Louisiana Tech
2. Teresa Edwards, Georgia
3. Cheryl Miller, Southern Cal
4. Lusia Harris, Delta State
5. Latanya Pollard, Long Beach State
6. Joyce Walker, LSU
7. Anne Meyers, UCLA
8. Lynette Woodard, Kansas
9. Anne Donovan, Old Dominion
10. Janet Harris, Georgia
11. Carol Blazejowski, Montclair State
12. Katrina McClain, Georgia
13. Janice Lawrence, Louisiana Tech
14. Nancy Lieberman, Old Dominion
15. Cindy Brown, Long Beach State

Footnote to really knock your boots... Cynthia Cooper belongs here to complete the field, but not because she was great as a youngster.

Coop was a Great Pro Player in which she garnered her acclaim abroad.

As timing can be everything, Cooper was in the right place at the right time and over due for her stage here in America in the WNBA. (There are more names...)

BEST INTERNATIONAL EVER: Brazilian, Hortencia could also be here.

And don’t get me started about Dawn Staley!

My only regret for her comes in her timing, because Dawn's game was so solid at the point, she changed the standard and the one dimensional play out top. (Athletic, scorer and poised to control tempo at all time.)

She can be place in both, the old school or the new school bracket. But, don't even think about rating her below top 5! Are you kidding me?

Now make your New School Bracket.

Lastly, It’s nearing 20 years of Professional Basketball here in America for women, it's high time we tell the stories of the ladies written above. It's our true history and we will never grow forward without acknowledging them properly.

Now... I gotta get back to the Grind of life... Stop wasting words.

--T. Time

Teresa Edwards, President
Dream Faith Productions, LLC

- Posted using BlogPress from the Guru's iPad


  1. Excellent response. 100% accurate.

  2. Teresa...Where would you rank Swoopes?

  3. Anonymous11:53 PM

    What a great a long time fan of women's basketball, could never understand why the original ladies of the court were not getting their props...Thank you Teresa for making a stand on what's right...I too agree that Dawn Staley is near the top of that list!!

  4. Oh she clowned

    Holy hell she clowned

    They aint gone like that backlash

    Mr TITLE IX APPROVES 100 poe cent

  5. Great list Teresa! I would add one more - Denise Curry, UCLA. national champion, gold medalist, leading scorer in UCLA basketball history (men AND women)!!!
